BLUEPRINT magazine. Archive 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000.

   Click here to reach BLUEPRINT No. 8,
   published in 2002 (Year of the Horse)
   and any other article, not included
   in the current list of subjects. =>

Disclaimer: BLUEPRINT magazine is trying to establish an independent source of information, based on different and rare publications from the Arabic world, China and other regions of the world. Being aware of local circumstances that are effecting the reliability of my sources, I cannot offer any guarantee regarding the truth of each information cited. Nevertheless, I stand for my translation of all Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish articles with regard to the gist of their message. Wolfgang Wiesner
Goethe and His Creature Igor Stravinsky Just call it PSI ... History of German Design BLUEPRINT - Cover Girl China Web Arabic Literature Time in Islam Chinese Millennium Design in Paradise BLUEPRINT 1997-1998 BLUEPRINT 2000 BLUEPRINT No.3 cover page and overview BLUEPRINT No.3 poetry and politics BLUEPRINT No.3 Chinese - worldwide BLUEPRINT No.3 treating cancer in China BLUEPRINT No.3 another view on ethnology BLUEPRINT No.4  editorial BLUEPRINT Nr.4  Editorial / deutsche Fassung BLUEPRINT No.4  modern art BLUEPRINT No.4  linguistic melting pot BLUEPRINT Nr.4  Schmelztiegel der Sprachen BLUEPRINT No.4  plant painting and poetry BLUEPRINT No.4 high tech in communist China NEWS & COMMENTS e-mail address Webdesign