In God We Trust !

Opinions from abroad:



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further inquiries)

George Walker Bush, receiving
the ultimate results of 2000 AD
presidential election campaign.

All links relating to George W. Bush and originating from my website are readable in English. Of course, there is much more material available, to be found either in national publications or on the web and published in other languages. That kind of foreign language material, as far as I can translate it myself, often seems to be more characteristic and less superficial. To give you an idea of what is hidden in the international press, here are some further examples:

While the official Chinese mainland paper "People's Daily" offers but a few interesting articles on its English website, there are hundreds of articles to be found on their Chinese language site, all dealing with George Bush and his policy. Thus, a deeper understanding of the official point of view is related to the knowledge of Chinese characters. As far as I could detect, most publications that deal with President Bush are rather critical of his ideas on economy and national security. His intention to visit Moscow first has been carefully remarked, due to the lasting differences between Moscow and Peking. Even some articles, published on the web in a kind of "Chinese Reader's Digest", show much interest in this subject, though, the personality of Bush and his behaviour in public arise more interest. The new secretary of state Collin Powell seems to be seen as the strongman of Bush's cabinet. He is rather often mentioned without referring to President Bush. It goes without saying that the U.S. strategic concept NMD is annoying the Chinese and provoking a debate on China's own missile defence, called "Project 640" and seen as a possible answer to U.S. imperialism. ... Links to Chinese sources are following :

Chinese links

Regarding German sources, I would like to cite the weekly published "Die Zeit", an influential and sophisticated paper dealing with culture and politics. Abstaining from giving any comment of their own, they launch an article written by one of the better known Wallstreet analysts, slightly sneering at Bush's economy program.

Wolfgang Wiesner, January / April 2001
Banner found in a Chinese language network after the spy plane incident of April 2001.

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