Das Endergebnis der Bundestagswahl 2002 in Deutschland
Final Results of the 2002 Federal Elections in Germany

The Story of Bavarian Punchinello Stoiber
(CDU / CSU) and his competitors, Red
Devil Schröder (SPD) and Green Croco-
dile Joschka (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen).

Ü=Überhangmandate [additional seats for
those parties reaching more direct candi-
date votes ("voter's first choice") than in-
direct votes that count for a special party
("voter's second choice"), according to the
unique voting system practised in Germany]
SPD 38.5 %
CDU/CSU 38.5 %
GRÜNE 8.6 %
FDP 7.4 %
PDS 4.0 % ( < 5%, only direct candidate votes accepted )

Sitzverteilung im Deutschen Bundestages
Distribution of seats in Parliament :
Gesamt / Altogether
603 ( including 5 Ü )
SPD 251 ( including 4 Ü ) => old / new government
CDU/CSU 248 ( including 1 Ü )
GRÜNE 55 => old / new government
FDP 47
PDS 2 ( without "party status" )

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